Conversion Optimisation In 10 Steps – Part One (Infographic)

Anyone can set up an online business platform or e-commerce site with products and services all ready to go to market. However, if your site is not optimised to convert leads into sales, you’re going to have an issue getting the dollars from valued and genuine customers. With more and more Australians active online and on mobile devices, we’ve got some need-to-know tricks and strategies to help with your conversion optimisation. Read More

Sales Etiquette To Increase Conversions

Does your phone constantly ring with enquiries about your products or services yet you struggle to receive purchases? Are you working in an industry that relies heavily on sales but aren’t seeing valuable conversions? It might be time to create a simple rule book to refer to for sales etiquette tips and tricks that can help you on your way to being a better salesperson and boosting your revenue or commission. The skills and ideas we’ve gathered below are relevant to all forms of sales include face to face as well as telesales.

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Conversion Rate – Five W’s Guide

When you first start investing in marketing campaigns, you realise how many different terms and metrics there are to measure in terms of the performance of your ads. Differing from ‘click-through rate’ and ‘cost-per-click’ is ‘conversion rate’ – a calculator that tells you how good your ad is at getting a potential consumer to do what you want them to do. The higher the percentage, the better you are at marketing your products or services. However, this is just the basics of what a conversion rate is and still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, so let’s delve in and explore the five W’s of achieving a commendable conversion rate.

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Getting Google Ads Approved – The Fast Track

Getting your Google ads approved can often feel like a tough and daunting process. With such a large amount of users utilising their platform, Google is consistently processing millions of advertising requests which may leave you wondering how to nail that content to save time waiting for approval on your ad. Trying to perfect an ad on your first attempt can be a challenging task, however, we have a few tips that may help your Google ad ride the fast track to complete compliance.

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What Our SEO Experts Want Clients To Know

Since 2006, SponsoredLinX has been offering advanced search engine optimisation (SEO) services to small-medium business across Australia and New Zealand. Our SEO experts helped many clients reach the first page of Google with our tailored packages to suit each individual company.

Sometimes though, we get clients who are confused about the process of SEO, why it takes so long and why their account managers can’t fix their website issues. To help answer your questions, we had some of our SEO experts write a few things that could assist clients with what to expect before signing up at SponsoredLinX.

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