Expanding SEO Strategies

Adwords are a vital aspect of a successful digital advertising strategy but they aren’t the only way forward. As you would have seen, last week we spoke about the importance of using Adwords in your campaign. This week, we will discuss alternative ways to expanding SEO strategies through the use of efficient and affordable techniques.

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AdWords VS SEO – Which Comes First In Your Marketing Strategy? (Part 2)

Last week, as part of our AdWords VS SEO series, we spoke about the importance of combining the power of these two methods in your digital marketing strategy. While you’re likely now aware of the importance of utilising both AdWords and SEO together, an important question still remains: which one should you implement first? Read More

AdWords Vs SEO – Which Is Better For Your Business?

These days, it seems that everywhere you look there are articles talking about the apparent fierce rivalry of AdWords vs SEO. You may even read through some of them and wonder if some kind of online version of State of Origin had moved into the digital realm of marketing! However, I can assure you this is simply  not the case. In fact, it couldn’t be further from the truth; because in reality, AdWords and SEO truly are a match made in marketing heaven!

So if you’re still asking the same old question, ‘which is better— SEO or AdWords?,’ then this article is for you! While each strategy has it’s own specific purpose, it’s the combination of both paid and organic digital marketing that will really push your business full steam ahead! Below, I’ll explain why two are better than one… Read More

How To Raise Your Page Ranking and SEO!

Don’t get left behind, now is the time to plan!

First, let’s start with basics. When we talk about Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, we are talking about ‘strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website’ – generally, by achieving a high organic ranking in the first page of a search engine result (Webopedia). There are several ways to boost your page rankings and SEO, but today, we’ll be talking about keywords!

As you’re most likely aware, keywords are integral to your digital advertising strategy. If they’re too vague, you’re likely to get lost amongst your competitors, or worse, not show up on the first page at all.  Read More

Google’s New SERP layout

What Small Business Owners Need to Know About

If you’re wondering why Google’s search engine listings are looking a little bare, you wouldn’t be alone. Google has recently rolled out an update to the layout of its SERP (search engine results pages) to remove paid listings from the right hand side of the page; this means that there are now only seven listings (half of which are located way down at the bottom of the page) rather than the previous eleven. These changes to the landscape of the SERP layout has marketers speculating about the impact it could have on the way we search, and the result for businesses paid and organic listings.

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