Improving Your Following With Influencer Marketing

Followers—every successful business wants them. More importantly though, we want them to be engaged. So if you’re looking to improve your following, there are two words you need to memorise: influencer marketing!

What Is influencer Marketing?

Imagine you’re surfing Instagram or Facebook, when you see a video of your favourite fitness personality enjoying a protein shake following their latest workout. How much more likely are you to take notice of that brand if your favourite celeb or brand is talking about it favourably?

Essentially, this is how influencer Marketing works; creating brand trust through respected figures and personalities. Given that 84% of consumers admit to trusting the opinions of online figures and peers, it’s easy to see why influencer Marketing is such a big deal!

The Benefits

According to a study from Tomoson, 51% of businesses who utilised influencer marketing achieved better quality customers than they had previously! Additionally, aside from gaining new customers or followers, influencer Marketing has also been found to generate significant return on investment (approximately $6.50 in revenue for every dollar spent on influencer marketing).

influencer marketing

Study: Tomoson

Other interesting stats worth mentioning from Tomoson’s study include:

  • 70% of advertisers earn more than $2 return on every dollar
  • Bloggers are the most influential network to market through, with 37% of marketers achieving better ROI results this way than through social media
  • 25% rate Facebook as the second most effective platform for influencer marketing
  • 22% of marketers rate influencer marketing as more effective than alternative acquisition methods such as organic search and email
influencer marketing - Tomoson

Study: Tomoson

That said, the success of your campaign relies on much more than just getting a respected figure to talk about your product! As well as picking the right influencer for your brand, you also need to carefully strategise your campaign goals, which platforms are best suited, and what message you want to get across to your audience.

With these tips you’ll be on your way to generating higher ROI and acquiring more loyal customers!