Google + & Google My Business

It would seem fairly obvious if you have a consumer wandering around a Shopping Centre, that the main reason they are there is to shop. Okay, that may seem like a mundane statement to make, but take a step back and think about it for a moment. What does it tell you about this person? Firstly, you know they’re there to purchase a product or service. Secondly, you know geographically where they are. Thirdly, depending on the time of the year, they might be searching for something in particular, or may want to take advantage of certain sales. The amazing thing is you can make it even easier for customers to find you through the use of Google + and Google My Business.

Your verified business information can appear in Google Search, Google Maps and, on mobile devices, which will help customers find up to date information via links, directions, images, videos, or reviews, which is all very relevant information users want to know about your business. It makes it easier for customers to find your business online, including trading hours, contact information, directions, ratings and reviews, and all of this is easily edited on the business owner’s behalf as and when updates are required.

With all of the digital options available to business owners, particularly when it comes to social media, it can be difficult to know which platforms to concentrate on. However, if you’re investing in any type of online marketing and rely on Google search for people to find your business, it goes without saying that you need a Google + Google My Business profile. It is a great complement to an AdWords or SEO strategy too, as it provides specific details about your business, and also provides a great competitive advantage. The great thing is, Google’s algorithm favours companies which have a Google My Business profile, as that business to actively participating in Google’s main social media platform. This will only help your cause when it comes to helping you rank in Google. As an extra perk as well, it’s free to create!

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We’ve all heard the phrase ‘content is King’, and Google surely loves fresh and unique content. Google loves providing users relevant information and will rank listings based on numerous factors including original content. Having this type of content helps you stand out and rank higher. It will also make it easier for you to interact with your customers and build a loyal customer base. New clients are more likely to engage with you online if they feel they have access to information to help them make informed decisions. By providing as much information as you can, you are helping them get to that decision more quickly. If Google can see you’re actively using the Google + platform; you guessed it! They will reward you.

Properly utilising a Google My Business profile is another online ‘face’ for your business, so ensure the tone matches your branding. But please, don’t be boring! Customers want to see personality, they want to see creativity, they want to be engaged! It adds another level of contact, so in getting creative, you will understand your market and audience. Yes, that means an extra channel you can use to promote your brand and services and, uncover real demand for your brand. What better way to attract new clients than by showcasing your products or services with amazing images or videos which specifically highlight what you have to offer.

Cross device presence is also absolutely essential. If you don’t have a mobile responsive website (which you should by the way!) having a Google My Business profile allows customers, new and current, find you so easily, no matter what device they are using. Imagine your business available online to consumers when they’re on the go with their mobile devices, or from a PC in the office or a tablet from home. Either way, when users are switching between devices, the key point is all of your up to date information will be there for the world to see.

Now not to be the bearer of bad news, but your competitors will be there, so you should too, and if you populate your profile with engaging content and keep it up to date, you have real chance of out ranking you competitors on Google. If searches are being performed and your competitors are there, you are perhaps missing out on your share.

Finally, you’re also opening up a two-way communication channel. The great thing with social media is that customers now have a voice. People can talk with others and never have met them, but you know what the one thing they have in common is? Your business! You can foster positive reviews about your business and encourage loyal customers to share your content. You can even create discounts, specials and give-aways entirely centred on this type of communication. The truth is customers expect customer service from you even when they aren’t purchasing anything! Google My Business allows you to do this.

Seamlessly integrating your Google My Business profile with your online marketing strategy will help you to collect data about your customer, meaning you can make informed decisions and increase your ROI. You can read your Google Insights to help you understand who your clients are, how they found you, what they are searching for, and how they interacted on your profile.

Stand out online with a complete Google + and Google My Business profile. You can thank us later when you get in touch with us here at SponsoredLinX on 1300 859 600.